(This is an example problem and solution steps of the problem- the duplication of this Question & Answer can create similar record book content leading to recognition by the lecturer)
Create new company named ECO- Travels Pvt Ltd from the following details.
1. It is an Indian Pvt Ltd Co, its mailing address is:
Flat No 31 A
New Complex Building,
Near Stadium, Attingal,
Tvpm- 695101
E-Mail:- eco_travels@gmail.com
2. The financial year of the company is from 1-04-08 to 31-03-09 but the company stars business on 01-06-08
3. The company mentioned both Accounts with inventory but accounts and inventory are not integrated.
4. Local Sales tax registration no: issued by concerned authorities is KGST-1840-OH/1/8/07 and actual sales no: as CST-430-LE-2-09-07.
5. The income tax permanent a/c no: (PAN) is 1789/PAN/14.
6. The base currency is Rupees and Paisa and no foreign currency is issued.
7. The mgt decided to explain the amount in millions separated by commas as per traditional Indian practice.
8. A space is required after the currency symbol.
Tally was the firs accounting package in the world to introduce the 'no code concept' for accounts. Its simplicity makes it used widely around the world. Tally is a classic sofrtware, it is simple, flexible and contains complete business solution that combines the accounting functions with the speed and accuracy of the latest computer technologies.
Tally provides you tremendous power to simplify the entire accounting practices.
Create a new company with the details given and display the company creation/ alteration screen with the contend.
Step1: Start Tally
START----->PROGRAMS------->TALLY ies7.2
Step2: Select Company Info menu
It is the default menu it can be viewed automatically.
Step3: Country Specific configuration
GATEWAY OF TALLY---> F12 configure---> GENERAL
Make changes as
Use accounting terminology of : India/Asia
Style of short date: dd-nn-yy
Show monthly report with graphs: Yes
Step4: Create Company
Use arrow keys to select 'Create Company', Press enter key- company creation screen gets displayed.
Step5: Fill the fields in the screen.
Directory: -----------
Name: Eco travels pvt Ltd
Address: Flat No:31 A
New Complex building
Near Stadium, Attingal,
Tvpm- 695101.
E-mail Address: eco_travels@gmail.com
Local Slaes tax no: KGST-1840-Dt 1/8/07
Inter State sales Tax no: CST-430-Dt 2/09/07
Income tax no: 1789/PAN/14 (PAN- Permanent Acccount No:)
Maintain: Accounts with inventory
(Mgt has decided not to link between Accounts and inventory so that below sequence is followed-
Gateway Of Tally--->F11 Features--->Intergrate Accounts & Inventory = NO (default)
Financial year From: 01-04-2008
Book Begining From: 01-06-2008
Base currency symbol: Rs
Formal Name: Rupees and Paise
Is symbol SUFFIXED to Amounts?: No
Show amounts in Millons?: Yes
Put a space between Amount and symbols?: Yes
Step6: After filling all the fields press Enter Key a confirmation box appears, press enter to create the company.
Gateway of tally--> Company Info--> Alter (Select Eco- Travels Pvt Ltd)
1 comment:
Thnx dude , really thnx , it must have taken a lot of time and hard work doing this .....
hats off
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